
netconfig package

buffers module

Function to assign and manipulate buffer sizes of network interfaces.

clear_buffer_sizes(topology) Remove all buffer sizes from the topology.
get_buffer_sizes(topology) Returns all the buffer sizes.
set_buffer_sizes_bw_delay_prod(topology[, …]) Assign a buffer sizes proportionally to the product of link bandwidth and average network RTT.
set_buffer_sizes_constant(topology, buffer_size) Assign a constant buffer size to all selected interfaces
set_buffer_sizes_link_bandwidth(topology[, …]) Assign a buffer sizes proportionally to the bandwidth of the interface on which the flush.

capacities module

Functions to assign and manipulate link capacities of a topology.

Link capacities can be assigned either deterministically or randomly, according to various models.

clear_capacities(topology) Remove all capacities from the topology.
get_capacities(topology) Returns a dictionary with all link capacities.
set_capacities_betweenness_gravity(topology, …) Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the betweenness centralities of the two end-points of the link
set_capacities_communicability_gravity(…) Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the communicability centralities of the two end-points of the link
set_capacities_constant(topology, capacity) Set constant link capacities
set_capacities_degree_gravity(topology, …) Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the degrees of the two end-points of the link
set_capacities_edge_betweenness(topology, …) Set link capacities proportionally to edge betweenness centrality of the link.
set_capacities_edge_communicability(…[, …]) Set link capacities proportionally to edge communicability centrality of the link.
set_capacities_eigenvector_gravity(topology, …) Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the eigenvector centralities of the two end-points of the link
set_capacities_pagerank_gravity(topology, …) Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the Pagerank centralities of the two end-points of the link
set_capacities_random(topology, capacity_pdf) Set random link capacities according to a given probability density function
set_capacities_random_power_law(topology, …) Set random link capacities according to a power-law probability density function.
set_capacities_random_uniform(topology, …) Set random link capacities according to a uniform probability density function.
set_capacities_random_zipf(topology, capacities) Set random link capacities according to a Zipf probability density function.
set_capacities_random_zipf_mandelbrot(…[, …]) Set random link capacities according to a Zipf-Mandelbrot probability density function.

delays module

Functions to assign and manipulate link delays.

clear_delays(topology) Remove all delays from the topology.
get_delays(topology) Returns all the delays.
set_delays_constant(topology[, delay, …]) Assign a constant delay to all selected links
set_delays_geo_distance(topology, specific_delay) Assign a delay to all selected links equal to the product of link length and specific delay.

nodeconfig module

Functions to deploy and configure protocol stacks and applications on network nodes

add_application(topology, node, name[, …]) Add an application to a node
add_stack(topology, node, name[, properties]) Set stack on a node.
clear_applications(topology) Remove all applications from all nodes of the topology
clear_stacks(topology) Remove all stacks from all nodes of the topology
get_application_names(topology, node) Return a list of names of applications deployed on a node
get_application_properties(topology, node, name) Return a dictionary containing all the properties of an application deployed on a node
get_stack(topology, node[, data]) Return the stack of a node, if any
remove_application(topology, node[, name]) Remove an application from a node
remove_stack(topology, node) Remove stack from a node

weights module

Functions to assign and manipulate link weights to a network topology.

clear_weights(topology) Remove all weights from the topology.
get_weights(topology) Returns all the weights.
set_weights_constant(topology[, weight, links]) Assign a constant weight to all selected links
set_weights_delays(topology) Assign link weights to links proportionally their delay.
set_weights_inverse_capacity(topology) Assign link weights to links proportionally to the inverse of their capacity.

traffic package

eventscheduling module

Functions and classes for creating and manipulating event schedules.

An event schedule is simply a list of events each labelled with a time and a number of properties.

An event schedule can be read and written from/to an XML files with provided functions.

deterministic_process_event_schedule(…) Return a schedule of events separated by a fixed time interval
poisson_process_event_schedule(avg_interval, …) Return a schedule of Poisson-distributed events
read_event_schedule(path) Read event schedule from an XML file
write_event_schedule(event_schedule, path[, …]) Write an event schedule object to an XML file.

trafficmatrices module

Functions and classes for creating and manipulating traffic matrices.

The functions of this class allow users to synthetically generate traffic matrices with given statistical properties according to models proposed in literature.

The output of this generation is either a TrafficMatrix or a TrafficMatrixSequence object.

A traffic matrix or a sequence of matrices can be read and written from/to an XML files with provided functions.

link_loads(topology, traffic_matrix[, …]) Calculate link utilization given a traffic matrix.
read_traffic_matrix(path[, encoding]) Parses a traffic matrix from a traffic matrix XML file.
sin_cyclostationary_traffic_matrix(topology, …) Return a cyclostationary sequence of traffic matrices, where traffic volumes evolve over time as sin waves.
static_traffic_matrix(topology, mean, stddev) Return a TrafficMatrix object, i.e.
stationary_traffic_matrix(topology, mean, …) Return a stationary sequence of traffic matrices.
validate_traffic_matrix(topology, traffic_matrix) Validate whether a given traffic matrix and given topology are compatible.
write_traffic_matrix(traffic_matrix, path[, …]) Write a TrafficMatrix or a TrafficMatrixSequence object to an XML file.

topologies package

datacenter module

Functions to generate commonly adopted datacenter topologies.

Each topology generation function returns an instance of DatacenterTopology

bcube_topology(n, k) Return a Bcube datacenter topology, as described in [R48460de4c968-1]:
fat_tree_topology(k) Return a fat tree datacenter topology, as described in [Rdaad0f90b4be-1]
three_tier_topology(n_core, n_aggregation, …) Return a three-tier data center topology.
two_tier_topology(n_core, n_edge, n_hosts) Return a two-tier datacenter topology.

parsers module

Functions to parse topologies from datasets or from other generators.

parse_abilene(topology_path[, links_path]) Parse the Abilene topology.
parse_ashiip(path) Parse a topology from an output file generated by the aShiip topology generator
parse_brite(path[, capacity_unit, …]) Parse a topology from an output file generated by the BRITE topology generator
parse_caida_as_relationships(path) Parse a topology from the CAIDA AS relationships dataset
parse_inet(path) Parse a topology from an output file generated by the Inet topology generator
parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(path) Parse a network topology from RocketFuel ISP map file.
parse_rocketfuel_isp_latency(latencies_path) Parse a network topology from RocketFuel ISP topology file (latency.intra) with inferred link latencies and optionally annotate the topology with inferred weights (weights.infra).
parse_topology_zoo(path) Parse a topology from the Topology Zoo dataset.

randmodels module

Functions to generate random topologies according to a number of models.

The generated topologies are either Topology or DirectedTopology objects.

barabasi_albert_topology(n, m, m0[, seed]) Return a random topology using Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment model.
erdos_renyi_topology(n, p[, seed, fast]) Return a random graph G_{n,p} (Erdos-Renyi graph, binomial graph).
extended_barabasi_albert_topology(n, m, m0, p, q) Return a random topology using the extended Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment model.
glp_topology(n, m, m0, p, beta[, seed]) Return a random topology using the Generalized Linear Preference (GLP) preferential attachment model.
waxman_1_topology(n[, alpha, beta, L, …]) Return a Waxman-1 random topology.
waxman_2_topology(n[, alpha, beta, domain, …]) Return a Waxman-2 random topology.

simplemodels module

Generate canonical deterministic topologies

chord_topology(m[, r]) Return a Chord topology, as described in [R409142fb3296-1]:
dumbbell_topology(m1, m2) Return a dumbbell topology consisting of two star topologies connected by a path.
full_mesh_topology(n) Return a fully connected mesh topology of n nodes
k_ary_tree_topology(k, h) Return a balanced k-ary tree topology of with depth h
line_topology(n) Return a line topology of n nodes
ring_topology(n) Return a ring topology of n nodes
star_topology(n) Return a star (a.k.a hub-and-spoke) topology of n+1 nodes

topology module

Basic functions and classes for operating on network topologies.

fan_in_out_capacities(topology) Calculate fan-in and fan-out capacities for all nodes of the topology.
od_pairs_from_topology(topology) Calculate all possible origin-destination pairs of the topology.
rename_edge_attribute(topology, old_attr, …) Rename all edges attributes with a specific name to a new name
rename_node_attribute(topology, old_attr, …) Rename all nodes attributes with a specific name to a new name
read_topology(path[, encoding]) Read a topology from an XML file and returns either a Topology or a DirectedTopology object
write_topology(topology, path[, encoding, …]) Write a topology object on an XML file

adapters package

autonetkit module

Adapter for AutoNetkit.

This module contains function for converting FNSS Topology objects into NetworkX graph objects compatible with AutoNetKit and viceversa.

from_autonetkit(topology) Convert an AutoNetKit graph into an FNSS Topology object.
to_autonetkit(topology) Convert an FNSS topology into a NetworkX graph object compatible for AutoNetKit.

jfed module

Adapter for jFed

Provides function to convert an FNSS Topology object into a jFed rspec file and viceversa.

jFed <>_ is a Java-based framework to support the integration of federated testbed, developed by iMinds <>_ in the contex of the Fed4FIRE <>_ project funded by the Framework Programme 7 (FP7) of the European Union.

from_jfed(path) Read a jFed RSPEC file and returns an FNSS topology modelling the network topology of the jFed experiment specification.
to_jfed(topology, path[, testbed, encoding, …]) Convert a topology object into an RSPEC file for jFed

mn module

Adapter for Mininet.

This module contains function to convert FNSS topologies into Mininet topologies and viceversa.

from_mininet(topology) Convert a Mininet topology to an FNSS one.
to_mininet(topology[, switches, hosts, …]) Convert an FNSS topology to Mininet Topo object that can be used to deploy a Mininet network.

ns2 module

Adapter for ns-2.

This module contains the code for converting an FNSS topology object into a Tcl script to deploy such topology into ns-2.

to_ns2(topology, path[, stacks]) Convert topology object into an ns-2 Tcl script that deploys that topology into ns-2.
validate_ns2_stacks(topology) Validate whether the stacks and applications of a topology are valid for ns-2 deployment

omnetpp module

Omnet++ adapter

This module contains the code for converting an FNSS topology object into a NED script to deploy such topology into Omnet++.

to_omnetpp(topology[, path]) Convert an FNSS topology into an Omnet++ NED script.