Source code for fnss.netconfig.capacities

"""Functions to assign and manipulate link capacities of a topology.

Link capacities can be assigned either deterministically or randomly, according
to various models.
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

import networkx as nx

from fnss.util import random_from_pdf
from fnss.units import capacity_units

__all__ = [

[docs]def set_capacities_constant(topology, capacity, capacity_unit='Mbps', links=None): """ Set constant link capacities Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacity : float The value of capacity to set links : iterable, optional Iterable container of links, represented as (u, v) tuples to which capacity will be set. If None or not specified, the capacity will be applied to all links. capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.erdos_renyi_topology(50, 0.1) >>> fnss.set_capacities_constant(topology, 10, 'Mbps') """ if capacity <= 0: raise ValueError('Capacity must be positive') if not capacity_unit in capacity_units: raise ValueError("The capacity_unit argument is not valid") conversion_factor = 1 if 'capacity_unit' in topology.graph and links is not None: # If a capacity_unit is set, that means that some links have already # been assigned capacities, so set these capacity using the same unit # already used curr_capacity_unit = topology.graph['capacity_unit'] if curr_capacity_unit != capacity_unit: conversion_factor = float(capacity_units[capacity_unit]) \ / capacity_units[curr_capacity_unit] else: topology.graph['capacity_unit'] = capacity_unit edges = links or topology.edges() for u, v in edges: topology.adj[u][v]['capacity'] = capacity * conversion_factor return
[docs]def set_capacities_random(topology, capacity_pdf, capacity_unit='Mbps'): """ Set random link capacities according to a given probability density function Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacity_pdf : dict A dictionary representing the probability that a capacity value is assigned to a link capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) links : list, optional List of links, represented as (u, v) tuples to which capacity will be set. If None or not specified, the capacity will be applied to all links. Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.erdos_renyi_topology(50, 0.1) >>> pdf = {10: 0.5, 100: 0.2, 1000: 0.3} >>> fnss.set_capacities_constant(topology, pdf, 'Mbps') """ if not capacity_unit in capacity_units: raise ValueError("The capacity_unit argument is not valid") if any((capacity < 0 for capacity in capacity_pdf.keys())): raise ValueError('All capacities in capacity_pdf must be positive') topology.graph['capacity_unit'] = capacity_unit for u, v in topology.edges(): topology.adj[u][v]['capacity'] = random_from_pdf(capacity_pdf) return
[docs]def set_capacities_random_power_law(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps', alpha=1.1): """ Set random link capacities according to a power-law probability density function. The probability that a capacity :math:`c_i` is assigned to a link is: .. math:: p(c_i) = \\frac{{c_i}^{-\\alpha}}{\\sum_{c_k \\in C}{{c_k}^{-\\alpha}}}. Where :math:`C` is the set of allowed capacity, i.e. the ``capacities`` argument Note that this capacity assignment differs from ``set_capacities_random_zipf`` because, while in Zipf assignment the power law relationship is between the rank of a capacity and the probability of being assigned to a link, in this assignment, the power law is between the value of the capacity and the probability of being assigned to a link. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) """ if alpha <= 0.0: raise ValueError('alpha must be positive') capacities = sorted(capacities) pdf = [capacities[i] ** (-alpha) for i in range(len(capacities))] norm_factor = sum(pdf) norm_pdf = {cap: pdf[i] / norm_factor for i, cap in enumerate(capacities)} set_capacities_random(topology, norm_pdf, capacity_unit=capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_random_zipf_mandelbrot(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps', alpha=1.1, q=0.0, reverse=False): """ Set random link capacities according to a Zipf-Mandelbrot probability density function. This capacity allocation consists in the following steps: 1. All capacities are sorted in descending or order (or ascending if reverse is True) 2. The i-th value of the sorted capacities list is then assigned to a link with probability .. math:: p(i) = \\frac{1/(i + q)^\\alpha}{\\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{1/(i + q)^\\alpha}}. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) alpha : float, default 1.1 The :math`\alpha` parameter of the Zipf-Mandlebrot density function q : float, default 0 The :math`q` parameter of the Zipf-Mandlebrot density function reverse : bool, optional If False, lower capacity links are the most frequent, if True, higher capacity links are more frequent """ if alpha <= 0.0: raise ValueError('alpha must be positive') if q < 0.0: raise ValueError('q must be >= 0') capacities = sorted(capacities, reverse=reverse) pdf = {cap: 1.0 / (i + 1.0 + q) ** alpha for i, cap in enumerate(capacities)} norm_factor = sum(pdf.values()) norm_pdf = {capacity: pdf[capacity] / norm_factor for capacity in pdf} set_capacities_random(topology, norm_pdf, capacity_unit=capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_random_zipf(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps', alpha=1.1, reverse=False): """ Set random link capacities according to a Zipf probability density function. The same objective can be achieved by invoking the function ``set_capacities_random_zipf_mandlebrot`` with parameter q set to 0. This capacity allocation consists in the following steps: 1. All capacities are sorted in descending or order (or ascending if reverse is True) 2. The i-th value of the sorted capacities list is then assigned to a link with probability .. math:: p(i) = \\frac{1/i^\\alpha}{\\sum_{i = 1}^{N}{1/i^\\alpha}}. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) alpha : float, default 1.1 The :math`\alpha` parameter of the Zipf density function reverse : bool, optional If False, lower capacity links are the most frequent, if True, higher capacity links are more frequent """ set_capacities_random_zipf_mandelbrot(topology, capacities, alpha=alpha, q=0.0, reverse=reverse, capacity_unit=capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_random_uniform(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps'): """ Set random link capacities according to a uniform probability density function. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) """ capacity_pdf = {capacity: 1.0 / len(capacities) for capacity in capacities} set_capacities_random(topology, capacity_pdf, capacity_unit=capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_degree_gravity(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps'): """ Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the degrees of the two end-points of the link Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) """ if topology.is_directed(): in_degree = nx.in_degree_centrality(topology) out_degree = nx.out_degree_centrality(topology) gravity = {(u, v): out_degree[u] * in_degree[v] for (u, v) in topology.edges()} else: degree = nx.degree_centrality(topology) gravity = {(u, v): degree[u] * degree[v] for (u, v) in topology.edges()} _set_capacities_proportionally(topology, capacities, gravity, capacity_unit=capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_betweenness_gravity(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps', weighted=True): """ Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the betweenness centralities of the two end-points of the link Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) weighted : bool, optional Indicate whether link weights need to be used to compute shortest paths. If links do not have link weights or this parameter is False, shortest paths are calculated based on hop count. """ weight = 'weight' if weighted else None centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(topology, normalized=False, weight=weight) _set_capacities_gravity(topology, capacities, centrality, capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_eigenvector_gravity(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps', max_iter=1000): """ Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the eigenvector centralities of the two end-points of the link Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) max_iter : int, optional The max number of iteration of the algorithm allowed. If a solution is not found within this period Raises ------ RuntimeError : if the algorithm does not converge in max_iter iterations """ try: centrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(topology, max_iter=max_iter) except nx.NetworkXError: raise RuntimeError('Algorithm did not converge in %d iterations' % max_iter) _set_capacities_gravity(topology, capacities, centrality, capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_pagerank_gravity(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps', alpha=0.85, weight=None): """ Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the Pagerank centralities of the two end-points of the link Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) alpha : float, optional The apha parameter of the PageRank algorithm weight : str, optional The name of the link attribute to use for the PageRank algorithm. Valid attributes include *capacity* *delay* and *weight*. If ``None``, all links are assigned the same weight. """ centrality = nx.pagerank_numpy(topology, alpha=alpha, personalization=None, weight=weight) _set_capacities_gravity(topology, capacities, centrality, capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_communicability_gravity(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps'): """ Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the communicability centralities of the two end-points of the link Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) """ if LooseVersion(nx.__version__) < LooseVersion("2.0"): centrality = nx.communicability_centrality(topology) else: centrality = nx.subgraph_centrality(topology) _set_capacities_gravity(topology, capacities, centrality, capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_edge_betweenness(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps', weighted=True): """ Set link capacities proportionally to edge betweenness centrality of the link. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) weighted : bool, optional Indicate whether link weights need to be used to compute shortest paths. If links do not have link weights or this parameter is False, shortest paths are calculated based on hop count. """ weight = 'weight' if weighted else None centrality = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(topology, normalized=False, weight=weight) _set_capacities_proportionally(topology, capacities, centrality, capacity_unit=capacity_unit)
[docs]def set_capacities_edge_communicability(topology, capacities, capacity_unit='Mbps'): """ Set link capacities proportionally to edge communicability centrality of the link. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) """ communicability = nx.communicability(topology) centrality = {(u, v): communicability[u][v] for (u, v) in topology.edges()} _set_capacities_proportionally(topology, capacities, centrality, capacity_unit=capacity_unit)
def _set_capacities_gravity(topology, capacities, node_metric, capacity_unit='Mbps'): """ Set link capacities proportionally to the product of the values of a given node metric of the two end-points of the link Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values node_metric : dict A dictionary with all values of the given node metric, keyed by node name capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) """ gravity = {(u, v): node_metric[u] * node_metric[v] for (u, v) in topology.edges()} _set_capacities_proportionally(topology, capacities, gravity, capacity_unit=capacity_unit) def _set_capacities_proportionally(topology, capacities, metric, capacity_unit='Mbps'): """ Set link capacities proportionally to the value of a given edge metric. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology to which link capacities will be set capacities : list A list of all possible capacity values metric : dict A dictionary with all values of the given edge metric, keyed by edge name capacity_unit : str, optional The unit in which capacity value is expressed (e.g. Mbps, Gbps etc..) """ if not capacity_unit in capacity_units: raise ValueError("The capacity_unit argument is not valid") if any((capacity < 0 for capacity in capacities)): raise ValueError('All capacities must be positive') if len(capacities) == 0: raise ValueError('The list of capacities cannot be empty') topology.graph['capacity_unit'] = capacity_unit # If there is only one capacity the capacities list then all links are # assigned the same capacity if len(capacities) == 1: set_capacities_constant(topology, capacities[0], capacity_unit) return # get min and max of selected edge metric min_metric = min(metric.values()) max_metric = max(metric.values()) capacities = sorted(capacities) min_capacity = capacities[0] - 0.5 * (capacities[1] - capacities[0]) max_capacity = capacities[-1] + 0.5 * (capacities[-1] - capacities[-2]) capacity_boundaries = [0.5 * (capacities[i] + capacities[i + 1]) for i in range(len(capacities) - 1)] capacity_boundaries.append(max_capacity) metric_boundaries = [(capacity_boundary - min_capacity) * ((max_metric - min_metric) / (max_capacity - min_capacity)) + min_metric for capacity_boundary in capacity_boundaries] # to prevent float rounding errors metric_boundaries[-1] = max_metric + 0.1 for (u, v), metric_value in metric.items(): for i, boundary in enumerate(metric_boundaries): if metric_value <= boundary: capacity = capacities[i] topology.adj[u][v]['capacity'] = capacity break # if the loop is not stopped yet, it means that because of float # rounding error, max_capacity < metric_boundaries[-1], so we set the # greatest capacity value. # Anyway, the code should never reach this point, because before the # for loop we are already adjusting the value of metric_boundaries[-1] # to make it > max_capacity else: topology.adj[u][v]['capacity'] = capacities[-1]
[docs]def get_capacities(topology): """ Returns a dictionary with all link capacities. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology whose link delays are requested Returns ------- capacities : dict Dictionary of link capacities keyed by link. Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.Topology() >>> topology.add_path([1,2,3]) >>> fnss.set_capacities_constant(topology, 10, 'Mbps') >>> capacity = get_capacities(topology) >>> capacity[(1,2)] 10 """ return nx.get_edge_attributes(topology, 'capacity')
[docs]def clear_capacities(topology): """ Remove all capacities from the topology. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology """ topology.graph.pop('capacity_unit', None) for u, v in topology.edges(): topology.adj[u][v].pop('capacity', None)