Source code for fnss.traffic.eventscheduling

"""Functions and classes for creating and manipulating event schedules.

An event schedule is simply a list of events each labelled with a time and a
number of properties.

An event schedule can be read and written from/to an XML files with provided
import random
import bisect
import copy
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

import fnss.util as util
from fnss.units import time_units

__all__ = [

[docs]class EventSchedule(object): """Class representing an event schedule. This class is simply a wrapper for a list of events. """ # NOTE: This class doesn't have a __setitem__ method because the insertion # of an event is done so that the schedule remains chronologically sorted. # Therefore, users cannot be allowed to insert events in an arbitrary # position of the schedule. def __init__(self, t_start=0, t_unit='ms'): """Initialize the event schedule Parameters ---------- t_start : float, optional Time at which the event schedule starts t_unit : str, optional The unit of time """ if not t_unit in time_units: raise ValueError("The t_unit argument is not valid") self.attrib = {} self.attrib['t_start'] = t_start self.attrib['t_end'] = t_start self.attrib['t_unit'] = t_unit # Implement event schedule as list of (time, event) tuple # Couldn't use dict because can have several events with same timestamp self.event = [] def __len__(self): """Return the number of events in the schedule. Use the expression 'len(schedule)' """ return len(self.event) def __iter__(self): """Iterates over the events of the schedule. Use the expression 'for event in event_schedule' """ return iter(self.event) def __getitem__(self, key): """Return the event in a specific position of the schedule. Use the expression 'event_schedule[i]' """ return self.event[key] def __delitem__(self, key): """Remove the event in a specific position of the schedule. Use the expression 'del event_schedule[i]' """ self.event.pop(key) def __add__(self, other): """Merge two events schedules. This method takes all the events of the schedule passed as argument, add them to the event schedule it belongs to and returned the merged schedule. The events of the schedule after the merging are still chronologically sorted. Parameters ---------- other : EventSchedule The event schedule whose events are added to this one. """ es = copy.copy(self) es.add_schedule(other) # merge with shallow copy return es def __radd__(self, other): """Merge two events schedules. This method takes all the events of the schedule passed as argument, add them to the event schedule it belongs to and returned the merged schedule. The events of the schedule after the merging are still chronologically sorted. Parameters ---------- other : EventSchedule The event schedule whose events are added to this one. """ return self.__add__(other) def add(self, time, event, absolute_time=False): """Adds an event to the schedule. Events are inserted so that the schedule is always chronologically sorted. Parameters ---------- time : float The time at which the event takes place event : dict The properties of the event absolute_time : bool, optional Specifies whether the time is expressed as absolute time or as interval from the latest event of the schedule """ # When a new event is inserted, make sure it is inserted in # chronological order if absolute_time and time < 0: raise ValueError('Time must be a positive value') if absolute_time: if time < self.attrib['t_end']: bisect.insort(self.event, (time, event)) # maintain list sorted return self.attrib['t_end'] = time else: self.attrib['t_end'] += time time = self.attrib['t_end'] self.event.append((time, event)) def pop(self, i): """ Remove from the schedule the event in a specific position Parameters ---------- i : int The index of the event to pop Returns ------- event : tuple (time, event) The event popped from the schedule """ return self.event.pop(i) def number_of_events(self): """Return the number of events in the schedule Returns ------- number_of_events : int The number of events of the schedule """ return len(self.event) def add_schedule(self, event_schedule): """Merge with another event schedule. This method takes all the events of the schedule passed as argument and add them to the event schedule it belongs to. The events of the schedule after the merging are still chronologically sorted. Parameters ---------- event_schedule : EventSchedule The event schedule whose events are added to this one. Notes ----- All the events are sorted """ this_t_unit = time_units[self.attrib['t_unit']] other_t_unit = time_units[event_schedule.attrib['t_unit']] conv_factor = float(other_t_unit) / float(this_t_unit) for time, event_props in event_schedule: self.add(time * conv_factor, event_props, absolute_time=True) def events_between(self, t_start, t_end): """Return an event schedule comprising all events scheduled between a start time (included) and an end time (excluded). Parameters ---------- t_start : float The start time t_end : float The end time Returns ------- event_schedule : EventSchedule An EventSchedule object """ if t_end <= t_start: raise ValueError('end_time must be greater than start_time') event_schedule = EventSchedule() event_schedule.attrib['t_start'] = t_start event_schedule.attrib['t_end'] = t_end event_schedule.attrib['t_unit'] = self.attrib['t_unit'] event_schedule.event = [(time, event) for (time, event) in self.event if time >= t_start and time < t_end] return event_schedule
[docs]def deterministic_process_event_schedule(interval, t_start, duration, t_unit, event_generator, *args, **kwargs): """Return a schedule of events separated by a fixed time interval Parameters ---------- interval : float The fixed time interval between subsequent events t_start : float The time at which the schedule starts duration : float The duration of the event schedule t_unit: string The unit in which time values are expressed (e.g. 'ms', 's') event_generator : function A function that when called returns an event, i.e. a dictionary of event properties *args : argument list List of non-keyworded arguments for event_generator function **kwargs : keyworded argument list List of keyworded arguments for event_generator function Returns ------- event_schedule : EventSchedule An EventSchedule object """ t_end = t_start + duration t_last_event = t_start event_schedule = EventSchedule(t_start=t_start, t_unit=t_unit) while True: t_last_event += interval if t_last_event < t_end: event = event_generator(*args, **kwargs) event_schedule.add(t_last_event, event, absolute_time=True) else: break return event_schedule
[docs]def poisson_process_event_schedule(avg_interval, t_start, duration, t_unit, event_generator, *args, **kwargs): """Return a schedule of Poisson-distributed events Parameters ---------- avg_interval : float The average time interval between subsequent events t_start : float The time at which the schedule starts duration : float The duration of the event schedule t_unit : string The unit in which time values are expressed (e.g. 'ms', 's') seed : int, long or hashable type, optional The seed to be used by the random generator. event_generator : callable A function that when called returns an event, i.e. a dictionary of event properties *args : argument list List of non-keyworded arguments for event_generator function **kwargs : keyworded argument list List of keyworded arguments for event_generator function Returns ------- event_schedule : EventSchedule An EventSchedule object Example ------- >>> import random, fnss >>> def my_event_gen(p): ... event_props = {} ... r = random.random() ... if r > p: ... event_props['action']='send_email' ... else: ... event_props['action']='watch_video' ... return event_props ... >>> schedule = fnss.schedule_dynamic_poisson_events(15, 0, 8000, 'ms', ... my_event_gen, p=0.5) """ t_end = t_start + duration t_last_event = t_start event_schedule = EventSchedule(t_start=t_start, t_unit=t_unit) while True: t_last_event += (random.expovariate(1.0 / avg_interval)) if t_last_event < t_end: event = event_generator(*args, **kwargs) event_schedule.add(t_last_event, event, absolute_time=True) else: break return event_schedule
[docs]def read_event_schedule(path): """Read event schedule from an XML file Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the event schedule XML file Returns ------- event_schedule : EventSchedule The parsed event schedule """ event_schedule = EventSchedule() tree = ET.parse(path) head = tree.getroot() for prop in head.findall('property'): name = prop.attrib['name'] value = util.xml_cast_type(prop.attrib['type'], prop.text) event_schedule.attrib[name] = value # this is needed for not messing up the automatic sorting of the event list event_schedule.attrib['t_end'] = 0 for event in head.findall('event'): time = float(event.attrib['time']) event_prop = {} for prop in event.findall('property'): name = prop.attrib['name'] value = util.xml_cast_type(prop.attrib['type'], prop.text) event_prop[name] = value event_schedule.add(time, event_prop, absolute_time=True) return event_schedule
[docs]def write_event_schedule(event_schedule, path, encoding='utf-8', prettyprint=True): """Write an event schedule object to an XML file. Parameters ---------- event_schedule : EventSchedule The event schedule to write path : str The path of the output XML file encoding : str, optional The desired encoding of the output file prettyprint : bool, optional Specify whether the XML file should be written with indentation for improved human readability """ head = ET.Element("event-schedule") for name, value in event_schedule.attrib.items(): prop = ET.SubElement(head, "property") prop.attrib['name'] = str(name) prop.attrib['type'] = util.xml_type(value) prop.text = str(value) for time, event_props in event_schedule: event = ET.SubElement(head, "event") event.attrib['time'] = str(time) for name, value in event_props.items(): prop = ET.SubElement(event, "property") prop.attrib['name'] = str(name) prop.attrib['type'] = util.xml_type(value) prop.text = str(value) if prettyprint: util.xml_indent(head) ET.ElementTree(head).write(path, encoding=encoding)