Source code for fnss.netconfig.delays

"""Functions to assign and manipulate link delays."""
import networkx as nx
from fnss.units import time_units, distance_units

__all__ = [

# Propagation delay of light in the vacuum

# Propagation delay of light in an average optical fiber

[docs]def set_delays_constant(topology, delay=1.0, delay_unit='ms', links=None): """ Assign a constant delay to all selected links Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology on which delays are applied. delay : float, optional The constant delay to be applied to all links delay_unit : string, optional The unit of delays. Supported units are: "us" (microseconds), "ms" (milliseconds) and "s" (seconds) links : list, optional List of selected links on which weights are applied. If it is None, all links are selected Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.Topology() >>> topology.add_path([1, 2, 4, 5, 8]) >>> fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 5.0, 'ms', links=[(1,2), (5,8), (4,5)]) >>> delay = fnss.get_delays(topology) >>> delay[(1, 2)] 5.0 """ if not delay_unit in time_units: raise ValueError("The delay_unit argument is not valid") conversion_factor = 1 if 'delay_unit' in topology.graph and links is not None: # If a delay_unit is set, that means that some links have already # been assigned delays, so set these delay using the same unit # already used curr_delay_unit = topology.graph['delay_unit'] if curr_delay_unit != delay_unit: conversion_factor = float(time_units[delay_unit]) \ / time_units[curr_delay_unit] else: topology.graph['delay_unit'] = delay_unit edges = links or topology.edges() for u, v in edges: topology.adj[u][v]['delay'] = delay * conversion_factor
[docs]def set_delays_geo_distance(topology, specific_delay, default_delay=None, delay_unit='ms', links=None): """ Assign a delay to all selected links equal to the product of link length and specific delay. To use this function, all nodes must have a 'latitude' and a 'longitude' attribute. Alternatively, all links of the topology must have a 'length' attribute. If the length of a link cannot be determined, it is applied the delay equal default_delay if specified, otherwise an error is returned. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology on which delays are applied. specific_delay : float The specific delay (in ms/Km) to be applied to all links default_delay : float, optional The delay to be applied to links whose length is not known. If None, if the length of a link cannot be determined, an error is returned delay_unit : string, optional The unit of delays. Supported units are: "us" (microseconds), "ms" (milliseconds) and "s" (seconds) links : list, optional List of selected links on which weights are applied. If it is None, all links are selected Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.parse_abilene('abilene_topo.txt') >>> fnss.set_delays_geo_distance(topology, specific_delay=fnss.PROPAGATION_DELAY_FIBER) """ # Validate input parameters if not delay_unit in time_units: raise ValueError("The delay_unit argument is not valid") if not 'distance_unit' in topology.graph: raise ValueError("The provided topology does not have a "\ "distance_unit attribute") distance_unit = topology.graph['distance_unit'] if distance_unit not in distance_units: raise ValueError("The distance_unit attribute of the provided "\ "topology (%s) is not valid" % distance_unit) edges = links or topology.edges() if default_delay is None: if any(('length' not in topology.adj[u][v] for u, v in edges)): raise ValueError('All links must have a length attribute') if 'delay_unit' in topology.graph and links is not None: # If a delay_unit is set, that means that some links have already # been assigned delays, so set these delays using the same unit # already used instead of the delay unit provided as argument curr_delay_unit = topology.graph['delay_unit'] conv_factor = 1.0 / time_units[curr_delay_unit] else: topology.graph['delay_unit'] = delay_unit curr_delay_unit = delay_unit # used in case of default delay assignment conv_factor = 1.0 / time_units[delay_unit] # factor to convert length value in Km length_conv_factor = distance_units[distance_unit] # factor to convert default delay in target delay unit default_conv_factor = time_units[delay_unit] / time_units[curr_delay_unit] for u, v in edges: if 'length' in topology.adj[u][v]: length = topology.adj[u][v]['length'] * length_conv_factor delay = specific_delay * length * conv_factor else: delay = default_delay * default_conv_factor topology.adj[u][v]['delay'] = delay
[docs]def get_delays(topology): """ Returns all the delays. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology whose link delays are requested Returns ------- delays : dict Dictionary of link delays keyed by link. Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.Topology() >>> topology.add_path([1,2,3]) >>> fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 10, 'ms') >>> delay = get_delays(topology) >>> delay[(1,2)] 10 """ return nx.get_edge_attributes(topology, 'delay')
[docs]def clear_delays(topology): """ Remove all delays from the topology. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology """ topology.graph.pop('delay_unit', None) for u, v in topology.edges(): topology.adj[u][v].pop('delay', None)