Source code for fnss.netconfig.buffers

"""Function to assign and manipulate buffer sizes of network interfaces."""
import networkx as nx
from numpy import mean

from fnss.units import capacity_units, time_units

__all__ = [

[docs]def set_buffer_sizes_bw_delay_prod(topology, buffer_unit='bytes', packet_size=1500): """ Assign a buffer sizes proportionally to the product of link bandwidth and average network RTT. This is a rule of thumb according to which the buffers of Internet routers are generally configured. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology or DirectedTopology The topology on which delays are applied. buffer_unit : string The unit of buffer sizes. Supported units are: *bytes* and *packets* packet_size : int, optional The average packet size (in bytes). It used only if *packets* is selected as buffer size to properly calculate buffer sizes given bandwidth and delay values. Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.erdos_renyi_topology(50, 0.2) >>> fnss.set_capacities_constant(topology, 10, 'Mbps') >>> fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 2, 'ms') >>> fnss.set_buffer_sizes_bw_delay_prod(topology) """ try: assert all(('capacity' in topology.adj[u][v] for u, v in topology.edges())) assert all(('delay' in topology.adj[u][v] for u, v in topology.edges())) capacity_unit = topology.graph['capacity_unit'] delay_unit = topology.graph['delay_unit'] except (AssertionError, KeyError): raise ValueError('All links must have a capacity and delay attribute') topology.graph['buffer_unit'] = buffer_unit # this filters potential self-loops which would crash the function edges = [(u, v) for (u, v) in topology.edges() if u != v] # dictionary listing all end-to-end routes in which a link appears route_presence = dict(zip(edges, [[] for _ in range(len(edges))])) # dictionary with all network routes route = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path(topology, weight='weight')) # Dictionary storing end-to-end path delays for each OD pair e2e_delay = {} for orig in route: e2e_delay[orig] = {} for dest in route[orig]: path = route[orig][dest] if len(path) <= 1: continue path_delay = 0 for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): if 'delay' in topology.adj[u][v]: if (u, v) in route_presence: route_presence[(u, v)].append((orig, dest)) else: route_presence[(v, u)].append((orig, dest)) path_delay += topology.adj[u][v]['delay'] else: raise ValueError('No link delays available') e2e_delay[orig][dest] = path_delay # dict containing mean RTT experienced by flows traversing a specific link mean_rtt_dict = {} for (u, v), route in route_presence.items(): if route: try: mean_rtt = mean([e2e_delay[o][d] + e2e_delay[d][o] for (o, d) in route]) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Cannot assign buffer sizes because some ' 'paths do not have corresponding return path') else: # if this is the case, then this link is in any shortest path, # not even in the one between its endpoint because there is an # alternative route with lower cost. # In this case we arbitrarily set the RTT as the RTT between the # link endpoint if that link was used, i.e. twice the delay of the # link if (v, u) in edges: mean_rtt = topology.adj[u][v]['delay'] + \ topology.adj[v][u]['delay'] else: try: mean_rtt = topology.adj[u][v]['delay'] + e2e_delay[v][u] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Cannot assign buffer sizes because some ' 'paths do not have corresponding return path') mean_rtt_dict[(u, v)] = mean_rtt norm_factor = capacity_units[capacity_unit] * \ time_units[delay_unit] / 8000.0 if buffer_unit == 'packets': norm_factor /= packet_size for u, v in edges: capacity = topology.adj[u][v]['capacity'] buffer_size = int(mean_rtt_dict[(u, v)] * capacity * norm_factor) topology.adj[u][v]['buffer'] = buffer_size return
[docs]def set_buffer_sizes_constant(topology, buffer_size, buffer_unit='bytes', interfaces=None): """ Assign a constant buffer size to all selected interfaces Parameters ---------- topology : Topology or DirectedTopology The topology on which buffer sizes are applied. buffer_size : int The constant buffer_size to be applied to all interface buffer_unit : string, unit The unit of buffer sizes. Supported units are: *bytes* and *packets* interfaces : iterable container of tuples, optional Iterable container of selected interfaces on which buffer sizes are applied. An interface is defined by the tuple (u,v) where u is the node on which the interface is located and (u,v) is the link to which the buffer flushes. Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.Topology() >>> topology.add_path([1, 2, 4, 5, 8]) >>> fnss.set_buffer_sizes_constant(topology, 100000, buffer_unit='bytes', \ ... interfaces=[(1,2), (5,8), (4,5)]) """ if buffer_size < 0: raise ValueError('The buffer_size argument cannot be negative') if interfaces is not None and 'buffer_unit' in topology.graph: curr_buffer_unit = topology.graph['buffer_unit'] if curr_buffer_unit != buffer_unit: raise ValueError('The topology already contains buffer sizes ' \ 'expressed in %s. Use that unit instead of %s' \ % (curr_buffer_unit, buffer_unit)) topology.graph['buffer_unit'] = buffer_unit edges = topology.edges() if interfaces is None else interfaces for u, v in edges: topology.adj[u][v]['buffer'] = buffer_size
[docs]def get_buffer_sizes(topology): """ Returns all the buffer sizes. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology or DirectedTopology Returns ------- buffer_sizes : dict Dictionary of buffer sizes keyed by (u, v) tuple. The key (u, v) represents a network interface where u is the node on which the interface is located and (u, v) is the link to which the buffer flushes Examples -------- >>> import fnss >>> topology = fnss.Topology() >>> topology.add_path([1, 2, 3]) >>> fnss.set_buffer_sizes_constant(topology, buffer_size=10) >>> buffer = fnss.get_buffer_sizes(topology) >>> buffer[(1,2)] 10 """ return nx.get_edge_attributes(topology, 'buffer')
[docs]def clear_buffer_sizes(topology): """ Remove all buffer sizes from the topology. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology or DirectedTopology The topology whose buffer sizes are cleared """ topology.graph.pop('buffer_unit', None) for u, v in topology.edges(): topology.adj[u][v].pop('buffer', None)